CLIENT: Matthew Delaney. 

BRIEF: Create and Designed the publication.
METHODOLOGY & KEY CONSIDERATIONS: Recently, I attended the Offprint festival, which inspired me to start an editorial design project for a writer friend. I was particularly influenced by the book "House of Leaves" by Mark Z. Danielewski.

For this project, I have created a configurative, typographically driven booklet. The writer, Matthew Delaney, is pleased with my typographic experiments throughout the publication's layout. I have used red, black, and white to complement the horror and thriller genres of the stories.
Portfolio Rights: The Vendor shall retain the nonexclusive, perpetual, and worldwide right to showcase, reproduce, and distribute the designs within the Vendor's portfolio, website, third-party trade publications, awards, or exhibits. This usage is solely for the purpose of promoting and exemplifying the Vendor's work. Additionally, the Vendor shall have the right to be credited with copyright ownership and authorship of the designs in connection with such promotional use.
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