CLIENT: University of Arts London.
BRIEF: Create and design a publication.
METHODOLOGY & KEY CONSIDERATIONS: During my time at Camberwell College, I was assigned the exciting challenge of creating an innovative and informal booklet based on a selected Ted Talk that focused on unlocking one's inner potential. Delving into the project, I found immense joy in crafting unique layout compositions, employing visual clues, and exploring creative ideas to infuse typography and imagery seamlessly. The process allowed me to delve deeper into the art of storytelling through design, ultimately resulting in a captivating and engaging booklet.

Portfolio Rights: The Vendor shall retain the nonexclusive, perpetual, and worldwide right to showcase, reproduce, and distribute the designs within the Vendor's portfolio, website, third-party trade publications, awards, or exhibits. This usage is solely for the purpose of promoting and exemplifying the Vendor's work. Additionally, the Vendor shall have the right to be credited with copyright ownership and authorship of the designs in connection with such promotional use.